About Us
Bash Films is an award-winning media production company founded in 2005 that specializes in conference video recording and post-production editing services for conferences and events. Opening originally in Los Angeles, CA, Bash Films moved its main office to Las Vegas, NV, in 2019 and provides media production services nationwide and internationally. Servicing events worldwide allows us to build strong relationships with our clients who enjoy hosting their events in different locations - without the hassle of finding new video providers in different cities.

How We Give Back
Our team of professional filmmakers is consistently developing and producing philanthropic projects for various important causes. WALK ON is a non-profit feature documentary film produced by Bash Films and executive produced by Steve Carell, Alfred Molina, and Emma Thompson. This award-winning documentary is being shown in high schools, colleges, and at organizations that help disabled individuals and those affected by HIV/AIDS. We proudly provide our clients a copy of this film with a private screening license to donate to their school, college, or organization of choice.